What’s all the fuss about Europe?

In response, Ronan Valentine will write in defence of Europe, whilst David Murray will discuss Sherlock! Not to be missed.

Eighty years ago Britain was a power leading the world. It was the centre of a large and varied empire, with a navy twice the size of any other and a populous of over seven hundred million. The people enjoyed a high standard of living in a country that was not only powerful but also prosperous.

Since these times Britain’s power has been slowly asphyxiated. The naval superiority had shrunk, the empire has all but disappeared, our standard of living has fallen to the average of the Western Hemisphere. Brussels mania has taken Britain by the scruff and is now dragging us into a united Europe.

But to me, being British counts for far more than being European. As a Euro-sceptic I can see through the vision of eternal peace and perfect cooperation to a rather less rosy future of almost nonexistent political rights, high unemployment and massive resource wastage.

At present the links we have with Europe wreak havoc in Britain. The much praised health and safety regulations of the EC only lead to restrictions and limitations on “unhygienic” local produce such as the Arbroath smokies and traditional farmhouse cheese. In a drive for stainless steel and scientific systems of food preparation traditional produce makers are forced out of business – losing not only tradition but also employment.

Unemployment is also occurring in other areas. Fishing is an industry upon which Britain and especially Scotland depend on heavily. Yet the EC can only be seen to have caused severe damage. Fishermen are having limits placed upon their profession continuously. Foreign trawlers misusing Britain’s traditional fishing waters has lead to a shortage of fish. As a result, British vessels are limited on when they can fish, what they can fish and how much they can fish putting many people out of work. Within a federal Europe not only would this industry suffer further, but resources and employment would be poached in other areas, such as the oil industry.

Unfortunately employment is not the only economic problem which is aggravated by European links. Many supporters of unity highlight grants made by the European community for roads, schools and agriculture. On the surface these may seem to be an advantage, closer examination unveiled that these are not what they seem – Britain injects 13.8 billion euros and gets back 10.2 billion euros. Europe doesn’t aid Britain, it costs Britain.

The idea that creating a federal Europe would secure a long term, and stable ear of peace is a popular argument. However, advocates of this idea seem not to realise the problems incurred when a large group of varied races and clumped together. Cultural clashes are inevitable, with the old USSR providing a prime example of the result – poverty, unrest, economic disaster of industry, and inevitable collapse. Britain is a proud and altruistic nation, with strong well-founded traditions. It is hard to accept that our history and passionate culture should be lost, and replaced by a bland , shallow Euro-lifestyle. Federal Europe is a cultural time bomb before it has begun.

The Euro-proposers have one final torpedo with which they attempt to sink our island nation into deep unforgiving European seas. This torpedo is increased political freedom. What they forget is that in Europe, Britain would become just another region and Scotland a mere dot on the map with perhaps three MEPs out of a total numbering six hundred. All this could result in even less influence for voters than at present. There is a conservative government at present, yet very few Scottish MPs belong to this party. within a unified Europe problems of this nature would be further accumulated.

To suggest we should let Britain be sucked into the United States of Europe would be down-right disrespectful to all those who fought and died, to avoid central ruling of Europe. Millions of people died – not just from Britain – to prevent a United Europe, empire, or third Reich – call it what you will, it all comes down to the same thing. Like our grandfathers and our grandfathers before them battling for freedom against a European dominator, so must we. We should rise to the challenge and protect Britain’s interests and prosperity by preventing European unity. This is not to say that the people of Britain are more different or even imperious to the peoples of other European nations – each nation is different is every way – but instead it is to say that we will not sacrifice our values, surrender our traditions, capitulate our culture and forfeit our freedoms at any price. This is Britain and were here to stay.


By Lewis Clark

Real Reform

Politics Matters.
Politics touches the lives of everyone everywhere and each should be able to influence and expert opinion on the issues that concern them the most.

But education, perhaps, matters more.
At the existential core of every being is the process of physical and mental evolution, the path from unseasoned and inept action and knowledge to the path of dexterity and proficiency.

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Viva la Revolution… the Literary one that is

I don’t usually have gut reactions – apart from those related to my food intake – but it was whilst conversing with my fellow golfing partners that I was left utterly astounded. Flabbergasted. I started to talk about something which is of great interest to me, and something that is also a great passion of mine – literature. So, I asked two educated 16 year olds, more jokingly than probingly, how many authors they could name. It turned out, that between them, they could name two authors, and were struggling to name the texts which they had – famously – penned.

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The Rise of the Superhero

As I lay in the surprisingly sweltering Scottish sun on a Monday afternoon, I had a daydream, or perhaps a heat induced hallucination, about one of my preferred topics; Batman. I’ve long had an admiration for superheroes, and whilst I have lost hope that they exist outside of the realm of fiction, with age, I still enjoy following their stories through comic books and motion pictures. My favourite superhero has always been Batman, who I always admired for his courage and strength, despite not having any supernatural powers.

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The Big Effect the Small Screen is Having on the Premier League

A World Cup finalist, two young Dutch internationals, two double-winning Serie A champions and Italy internationals, an American international with 27 goals to his name last season and Eredivisie’s top goal scorer with a total of 31 league goals last campaign. All of those are big claims, big achievements, big accomplishments that are akin to players that play for big clubs, you might think. You’d be wrong.  Continue reading

Standarised Packaging Must Become the Standard

Last week, the Coalition Government made a decision that will allow thousands of unnecessary deaths to take place. It made that decision – after being leant on by a small group of multi-billion pound businesses which control the industry – that provides the British public with one of the few legal recreational drugs; and one that is also the most deadly. This is just a taster of the blistering criticism that the Coalition has endured after delaying its decision on the introduction of standardised cigarette packaging. The move is seen as a U-turn by the Department for Health as it has been accompanied by a marked change in tone by ministers, from being cautious advocates of the policy to displaying clear scepticism.

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The Future of Scottish Football

In Scottish football, there are currently four professional leagues; the SPL, Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3. Divisions 1, 2, and 3 all have 10 teams in them. The SPL consists of 12 teams, splitting up into two mini leagues of 6, at a stage in the season called ‘the split.’ The SFA (Scottish Football Association) are thinking of changing the system and propose to turn it into a 3 league structure, with the two top leagues containing 12 teams, compared to the 18 teams for the proposed bottom league.  Continue reading

Iran’s Nuclear Question

The time has come again for renewed negotiations to take place with Iran, with relation to the nuclear aspirations of the country. The recent election of Rouhani, a reformist candidate, has blossomed hope in both the people of Iran and policy makers of the western world; but it has not led to an easing of sanctions. The U.S has remained robust with its approach to Iran, having recently even banned Press TV, in the hope that slowly Iran will abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons for improved relations, and an easing of, most importantly, the economic sanctions that are seemingly devastating the economy; having led to over 30% inflation and an estimated 40% of the population living below the poverty line.  Continue reading

The Aftermath of Wimbledon

At approximately 5:24pm on Sunday evening, the entirety of the 15,000 people in the crowd of The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club’s Centre Court were in complete silence, along with the masses of people sitting on ‘Henman Hill’ and the millions of people watching from home via a television screen – as Andy Murray served for the championship. As Novak Djokovic’s forehand return struck the net, it is fair to assume that the country erupted. While there was a minority of people, myself included, who weren’t particularly bothered about the monumental win for Andy Murray and British tennis, this win will surely have ramifications, mainly good, for the country as a whole.  Continue reading

Why the West should intervene in Syria

I believe that action should be taken to intervene in the Syrian civil war.

Intervention should be taken to help the rebel fighters in Syria, as Syria is a harsh dominant party state under the dictatorship of Bashar Hafez al-Assad. This dictatorship would not be tolerated in the western world so why should it be tolerated in the east. This has been made evident by the recent events of the Arab spring, where in Libya Colonel Gaddafi was toppled from power. This has also happened in Egypt and Tunisia, where the governments havebeen overthrown; all in the pursuit for democracy, to improve human rights and to bring about regime change.  Continue reading